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Where Everything Is Made of Days

The Land of

From The Castle Calendar by Pilliard Dickle

"My very favorite of all calendars I've ever seen!"

Gene Shalit, The Today Show

Just over the futureward horizon of a land called Reality lies a land of time called Calendaria
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"A yearlong trip through a cartoon fantasy land"

Calendaria is the creation of cartoonist and time explorer Pilliard Dickle.

Associated Press

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Each calendar comes with a story. It's the latest chapter in the diary Pilliard Dickle keeps as explores Calendaria.

"No home should be without a Pilliard Dickle calendar"


David Letterman
Cal Vid

Watch The Calendaria Movie!

Directed by Stephen Spielberg—er, I mean Pilliard Dickle

"A feast for the imagination"


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Pilliard Dickle calendars add a splash of imagination and fun to any decor. Plus, they tell you what day it is!
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